17 DEC: Great long workout

My wife just got a job at 24HR Fitness, so we were there checking out the facilities. WOW! I have never had a membership to a mainstream gym, but this place is freaking awesome. We did things here that can't be done in the garage, as you'll see.
  1. Neutral grip pullup ladders: 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4
  2. Kipping pullup: 17 consecutive
  3. Strength / Conditioning circuit:
    a. snatch grip deadlift: 185 x 10, 10, 10
    b. pushup: 15, 15, 15
    c. speed skater lunge: 10, 10, 10
    d. inverted row: BW x 8, 10, 10
  4. Back squats: 185 x 5; 205 x 5; 225 x 5; 275 x 5; 285 x 5; 295 x 5
  5. Swimming: about 15 laps
  6. Hung out in hot tub for about 10 minutes
  7. Swimming: about 8 more laps
  8. About 10 minutes in steam room
  9. About 10 minutes in dry Sauna

I consumed over a gallon of water in this 2 hr marathon session. What an absolute blast!!!!


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