Hybrid Strength Training: MetCons Menu

As I mentioned in my post about my next 12 weeks of training, I will be scheduling in Metabolic Conditioning days as part of my plan. During Phase I, I'll do these twice a week. Because this type of training is so taxing to the various energy pathways, I prefer a lot of variety. That way I'm not dreading it in my head; "Not THIS again!!!"

I've created 12 MetCon WODs for myself, and I'll work through them in sequence. I feel that movements with a large range of motion are best for a few reasons. One, it is the best way to ensure you develop or maintain Mobility. Two, it is more calorically expensive per 'rep'. Additionally, it is a nice counter balance to the joint stress that heavy weights place on a trainee. Another benefit it that these sorts of movements disrupt your breathing pattern, so you end up working harder. If you've ever competed in any form of fighting, you'll understand the benefit of being able to work when your breathing rhythm is broken.

The MetCon menu below, is designed for ME! It addresses my needs, goals, and capability.

  • WOD 1: Max rounds in 15 mins of:
    a. Cleans: 115lb x 10
    b. Burpees: x 10

  • WOD 2: 4 rounds for time of:
    a. 400 meter run
    b. pushups x 20
    c. situps x 20

  • WOD 3: 4 rounds for time of
    a. Box jumps: x 20
    b. T-bell swing: 63lb x 15
    c. Sprawls: x 20

  • WOD 4: 2 rounds for time of
    a. High knee jump rope x 100
    b. Plank rows x 50
    c. Dips x 25

  • WOD 5: FRAN - 21 - 15 - 9 reps for time of
    a. Thruster 95lb
    b. Pullup

  • WOD 6: 3 rounds for time:
    a. T-bell swing: 63lb x 15
    b. Hanging kee-to-elbow x 10
    c. 800 meter run

  • WOD 7: Max rounds in 20 minutes of:
    a. Ring pullup x 10
    b. Ring dips x 10
    c. Pistol squats x 10

  • WOD 8: Complete for time:
    1. 1 mile for time
    2. Pushups x 100
    3. Sumo grip high pull 85lb x 100

  • WOD 9: Countdown from Hell
    a. T-bell swing: 63lb
    b. Goblet squat: 63lb
    c. Sprawl

  • WOD 10: 21 - 15 - 9 reps for time of:
    a. V-grip row: 110lbs
    b. Burpees

  • WOD 11: Modified Fight Gone Bad (3min rounds, 1min rest)
    1. StepMill - record distance
    2. SGHP @ 85lbs - reps
    3. Situps - reps
    4. Box jumps - reps
    5. "Overhead Anyhow" @ 85lbs - reps

  • WOD 12: 5 rounds for time of
    a. 400 meter run
    b. Snatch: 95lb x 6
    c. High pull: 95lb x 6

One and a half weeks till I get rollin!!!!!


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