20 JUL: squats

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly my legs adapt to volume, load, and intensity of effort. I'm glad these leg-dominant phases are only 3 weeks. That seems to about as long as it takes before my legs fully adapts to any given training stimulus. One more week of Phase 2. Next phase will be MUCH higher volume on squats and MUCH higher load on deadlift!

  1. Single leg calf raise: 25 x 20, 22 (per leg)
  2. Front squat: 155 x 10, 10, 10, 10
  3. Back squat: 165 x 20*

*Back squat: this is the most I've done for 20 reps in ages!! I got dizzy, light headed, started to lose my vision, then got nauseous. I did all 20 reps without a single pause in the cadence. My legs had a bit more life left in them, but this is as much as my lower back could handle. To be safe next week, I'll only increase the load to 175, instead of 185. 185 for 20 reps might tweak my lower back again. I can't afford any setbacks now; I have too much momentum.


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