14 JUL: Upper body

It's too damn hot in ATX to train outside. And training outside TWICE in one day is just plain masochistic. But I got 'r done. Number weren't impressive, but getting off the sofa and into the sweltering garage at 10:00 PM is something I can be proud of. On to the numbers:

  1. Pullup: BW x 4, 5
  2. One-arm T-bar row: 30 x 15 (each arm. left MUCh stronger than right)
  3. Inverted row: BW x 12
  4. Incline bench press: 155 x 12, 12
  5. Dips: BW x 6
  6. Skull crushers: 85 x 9; 75 x 12
  7. Prone raise*: 20s x 10
  8. Lateral raise*: 20s x 3; 15s x 12
  9. Incline dumbbell curls: 15s x 19, 20, 13
  10. EZ-bar reverse curls: 45 x 16, 16, 18
  11. Ab wheel: 14

I was gassed before I started, but it felt good to trudge through it anyway. Time for a light protein shake, a shower, and sleep.


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