2APR: 2nd to last day of prep

Tuesday was my last day of hard work before the San Antonio Highland Games.  I'll do some light work on Thursday, and then it's rest and recover for Sunday's competition.

Tuesday's work:
  1. Jump shrug:  115 x 10; 135 x 10
  2. Close grip snatch:  115 x 10 singles; 135 x 5 singles
  3. Hang clean: 115 x 5, 5, 5;  135 x 5, 5, 5; 185 x 5 singles
  4. Clean and push press:  185 x 5 singles
  5. Snatch grip high pull: 135 x 10, 10, 10
  6. 20lb Medicine ball power circuit:  2 circuits of
    a. WOB x 5
    b. Wall-ball x 5
    c. Rotational throw x 5 each direction
    d. Chest pass x 5
    e. Slam x 5


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