23APR: C3-D3

Back on track and feeling rock solid!
  1. 10 mins recumbent bike
  2. pullups:  18 reps total
  3. inverted TRX rows: 40 reps total (getting lower each time)
  4. Hammer strength supine pulldown:  180x5; 200x5,5,5,5
  5. triceps / abs superset:
    a. cross-body db tricep extension:  25 x 8/8, 8/8, 8/8, 8/8, 8/8
    b. weighted decline situp: 25 x 8, 7, 9; BW x 10, 10
  6. FreeMotion (goofy machine) tricep extension: 90 x 12,12,12,12,12


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