21APR: A curse upon myself

No sooner do I say "Pat me on the back!  I haven't missed any training sessions!  I'm a stick-to-it God!" than I go an miss some training sessions.  Friday was a long overdue dinner with one of my best friends.  Time well spent, and truly more beneficial than a training session.

Saturday was to have been back work, but my wife and I decided to take the bikes to Pedernales State Park for a ride.  Unfortunately my chain snapped about 2 miles in.  But it made for an amusing walk back.  Afterwards we went to a farmer's market just outside Johnson City.  Hand made bread, organic olive oil, a few glasses of wine, and pork ribs!   Reconnecting with my wife was also far more beneficial than any training session could have been.

So I did C3-D1 over again on Sunday. Same stuff as on Thursday;

  1. 10 mins recumbent bike
  2. superset:
    a. incline db curls:  27.5s x 8,8,8,8,8
    b. plank step-out: BW x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 each
  3. EZ-bar reverse curl:  40 x 12,12,12,12,12
  4. Dips; 2,3,5,5,5,8 (28 total)
  5. pushups:  BW x 10,10,10 (30 total)
  6. skipped OHP


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