29MAR: more prep

  1. KB snatches:  just some.  a few times each with each arm, 45lb KB
  2. incline db press:  50s x5; 60s x5; 70s x5; 80s x15
  3. rope grip cable row:  70 x 10, 10, 10
  4. rope grip cable static horizontal shrug:  165 x 10sec, 10sec, 5 sec
  5. squat: 135x10; 185x5; 225x5; 275x3; 295x3
  6. Med Ball circuit:
    a. 20lb med ball WOB:  3 x 5 singles
    b. 20lb med ball chest pass:  3 x 5 singles
    c. 20lb med ball wall ball:  3 x 5 singles


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