11MAR: kicking ass so far

This has got to be about the most amazing start to any year I've ever had, strictly from a health and strength standpoint.  My programming has been spot on.  I started with a shoulder that was wrecked, weak legs, and a flabby core.  The plan I followed just was not a fit for me.  I won't disparage the plan, because the author is brilliant and could out lift, throw, coach, train, or think me any day of the week.

My Phase I was just what I needed to jump start my hyperthrophy, and Phase II is continually producing better than expected strength gains, and a steady decrease in midsection lard.  Today was another credit in that strength and conditioning account.

Early evening:
  1. Complex:
    a. Bent row: 115 x 5, 5, 5
    b. RDL: 115 x 5, 5, 5
    c. Hang clean: 115 x 5, 5, 5
    d. Front squat: 115 x 5, 5, 5
    e. OHP: 115 x 5, 5, 5
  2. Deadlift: 135x5; 185x5; 225x5; 245x10; 295x8; 315x6; 335x6
  3. Squat: 135x20; 155x20 (Seriously.  Most exhausting, muscle-igniting work ever)
  4. MetCon:  Max rounds in 10 mins:
    a. 1-arm KB swing: 45lb x 5+5
    b. Burpee:  x 5
    total:  5 rounds
My lower back and legs were absolute jelly by the time I got to the MetCon.  I did my best to suck it up.  5 rounds is sad, but not after deads and high-rep squats/


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