25MAR: 2 weeks to prep

I'm coming off a two week break that was only supposed to last 4 days.  I took time off for spring break, then got a cold or flu that last a week.  So this was my first day back and it felt OK.  Since I only have 2 weeks till the games, I'm going to run a high frequency plan to get some kind of neural gains.
  1. KB get-up:  35lb for 5 mins
  2. bench press:  135x10; 185x5; 205x5; 225x4
  3. t-bar row:  135 x 5,5,5,5
  4. squat: 135x10; 185x10; 225x5; 245x5; 275x5
  5. close grip snatch:  115 x 5, 5, 5, 5
  6. hang snatch (with normal snatch grip):  115 x 5, 5, 5, 5
  7. snatch grip high pull:  145 x 7, 7, 7, 7; 195 x 4, 4 4


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