27MAR: another HG prep day

Considering I didn't start lifting till 9:15, it was pretty darn good.
  1. KB get-ups:  35lb x 5 mins
  2. chin-ups:  BW x 4, 4, 5, 3, 4
  3. overhead press:  135x5; 145x5; 155x3; 165x3; 175x2
  4. deadlift:  135x10; 225x5; 275x5; 315x5; 365x3; 385x2
  5. clean & jerk (occasionally push press):  185 x 10 singles
  6.  close grip snatch: 135 x 10 singles
  7. 20lb medicine ball underhand overhead throw (like HG Weight Over Bar): 5 singles
  8. 20lb medicine ball wall-ball:  5 singles
  9. 20lb medicine ball underhand overhead throw (like HG Weight Over Bar): 5 singles


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