7 MAR: Reboot

Man, I am so tired of these setbacks for 2011. My hernia, hurt back, and then a pulled hamstring. I gave the ham a week off and I'm back at it with lower than usual intensity, but mich higher frequency. I'm keeping things light and simple.

Monday was the first real workout in a week.

*Warm-up: 15 minutes on treadmill @3.7mph and 5 degree incline

**Prep Complex:
A) Sumo grip high pull: 55 x 6, 6, 6
B) Hang snatch: 55 x 6, 6, 6
C) Thruster: 55 x 6, 6, 6
D) Bent row: 55 x 6, 6, 6

Strength work:
  1. Flat back goodmorning: 55 x 10, 12, 12 (rehab loading)
  2. leg press: 180 x 20; 230 x 18, 21 (rehab loading)
  3. Rope grip cable row: 75 x 10, 10, 10
  4. Neutral grip pulldown: 100 x 10, 10, 10
  5. Incline dumbbell bench press: 55s x 10, 7; 45s x 10, 10

*Warm-up: I'm going to start every workout with 10-15 minutes of cardio. Right now I am more concerned with getting some general conditioning back, so it doesn't matter if 15 minutes of cardio forces me to use slightly lighter weights later in the workout

**Prep Complex: I'm sure most of you have read tons and tons about complexes. Its just a fancy way of saying 4 or more movements done with one barbell or one set of dumbbells, without ever setting the load down.

I had to go VERY light on these because I'm pretty out of shape right now. The weight itself was light, but my heart was about to burst by the time I got to thrusters. I'm going to do one of a handful of predetermined barbell or dumbbell complexes at every workout. These will also get me much closer to the level of conditioning I'm after.


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