19 APR: Weights

Started off with another complex, but added 10 pounds:
A. Sumo grip high pull: 55 x 8 8 8
B. Hang snatch: 55 x 8 8 8
C. Drop lunge: 55 x 8 8 8 per leg
D. Barbell curls: 55 x 8 8 8

On to the meat sets:

1. Pullup: bw x 5, 5, 4
2a. 1-arm prone fly: 12 x 15, 15 per arm
2b. 1-arm db row: 30 x 15, 15 per arm
3. Bench press: 185 x 5; 195 x 5; 205 x 5
4. Pushup from handles: 15, 9
5. Front squat: 185 x 10, 10, 10
6. Back squat: 115 x 25


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