30 JUL: A2-3

I can't speak highly enough about this training plan.  Taking Jim Wendler's advice of starting from light (50% 1RM in my case), means I've yet to miss target reps for any sets.  I'm still making consistent progress.  The only area that is taking a hit are chin-ups.  They are starting to aggravate my elbow, so I'm going to switch to neutral grip pullups for my volume / endurance work.  On to my Monday night workout results:
  1. jump rope: 3 x 2min/1min.  Getting easy.  Need to add a 4th round
  2. Russian twist:  12 x 12/12, 12/12.  Will progress to 15 per side then increase load to 15lbs.
  3. skipped biceps and triceps as my elbow was still tweaked.
  4. Horizontal strength:
    a. bench press:  180 x 5; 190 x 5; 200 x 12
    b. bent row: 150 x 5; 160 x 5; 170 x 8
  5. Vertical endurance:  Skipped 4th set because of elbow weirdness
    a. OHP: 100 x 10, 10, 10
    b. chin-up:  BW x 6, 7, 4 (elbow hurting)
  6. Squat:  about 5 warm-up sets, then 225 x 5; 235 x 5; 245 x 10
  7. TRX-assisted Pistol ladders:  1-2-3, 1-2-3, 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3 (38 total per leg)
I got my bodyfat tested again, and I'm down another 0.75%, while I've gained 4lbs.  THAT is awesome stuff.  Stats are now:
  • weight:  224lbs
  • BF%: 15.75
  • lean mass:  188.72
I'm 2 lbs away from my lean mass goal.  From there, the plan is to lower fat as much as possible while keeping lean mass at 190.


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