25 JUL: A1-3

This was my best workout yet!  I made one subtle change to keep raising my emphasis on athleticism as my old strength levels come back.
  1. Jump rope:  3 x 2min / 1min  :)  Good and sweaty
  2. foam rolling - emphasis on IT band and triceps, but done all over
  3. Wood chopper: 110 x 10/10, 10/10  -  felt easy!
  4. Arm strength:  going to increase reps next time instead of weight, as my elbow tendons are getting sore
    a. barbell curl: 75 x 8, 8, 8
    b. skull crusher: 75 x 8, 8, 8
  5. Horizontal strength:  GREAT numbers today
    a. bench press:  175 x 5; 185 x 5; 195 x 10
    b. bent row: 145 x 5; 155 x 5; 165 x 8
  6. Vertical size: Chins kinda weak today.  Oh well
    a. OHP: 100 x 10, 10, 10, 8
    b. Chin-up:  BW x 6, 6, 6, 4
  7. Front squat: 185 x 5; 195 x 5; 205 x 9 - I used a heapin helpin of Tiger Balm on my knees before I started.  As I did my warm-up sets, my knees caught fire and felt AMAZING!
  8. TRX-assisted pistol squat ladders: 1-2-3; 1-2-3; 1-2-3; 1-2-3; 1-2-3 = 30 total reps
Pistols are un-freaking believable.  It is basically a single leg squat from rock bottom.  You keep the unsupported leg held parallel to the ground with no bend in the knee. I alternated legs after each rung on the ladder.  1 rep right, 1 rep left; 2 reps left, 2 reps right, etc. etc.  I held on to TRX handles for balance and a bit of aid as I got fatigued.

Now my quads are aching in a most unique and significant way!!!


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