20 DEC: Messin around

I was supposed to do a MetCon, but I wasted the day and hit the gym at 7:00. I just lifted. My shoulders were weak from swimming the day before.

  1. Jump rope: 4 rounds - 2min work, 30 sec rest, lots of double unders

  2. Snatch grip high pull: 135 x 6; 145 x 6, 6; 155 x 6

  3. Prone incline laterals: 20s x 30 reps (EASY! ready for more weight and traditional set / rep scheme)

  4. Bench press: warm-up 135 x 10; 165 x 10; 185 x 10, 5;
    work sets: 205 x 5, 5, 7

  5. Overhead press: 95 x 7, 7, 7, 3, 6


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