9 SEP: Abbreviated HIT

We have a big Warrior Dash prep workout coming up on Saturday, so today's workout will be a much smaller, albeit high intensity session. The plan is:

  1. Pullup / chinup: 20 strict reps any combination, as few breaks as possible
  2. Snatch grip deadlift + high pull: 155 x max reps
  3. Front squat: 225 x max reps
  4. Overhead press: 115 x max reps
  5. EZ-bar reverse grip curl: 85 x max reps
  6. Leg raise off bench: max reps

I'll post my results after the WOD.

DAMN! I brought the weak sauce today. My results:

  1. Pullup/chinup: 13 reps total
  2. Snatch grip DL + High Pull: 115 x 13
  3. Front squat: 185 x 9
  4. Overhead press: 115 x 11
  5. EZ-bar reverse curl: 75 x 12
  6. Leg raise off bench: 20+ (lost count)


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