21 SEP: Back workout

My pullup strength has gone down since switching to kipping pullups. My guess is that since I did them at least 3 times a week before CrossFit, that the reduced frequency and emphasis on explosiveness and inertia (vs. strength when doing dead-hang pullups) is why I feel so much weaker at them than a month ago. So here is what I did today.
  1. Wide grip pullups: 5, 4, 4
  2. Medium grip pullups: 5, 4, 5
  3. Close grip chinups: 3, 3, 2 + 1 negative with35# dumbbell
  4. 1-arm t-bar row: 60 x 10, 10 each arm

I was supposed to run 5K this evening but it has been raining for a bit. If the rain doesn't break, I'll do squats and plyos.


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