8 SEP: Abbreviated strength workout A1-3

Its the middle of the day, so I shortened this workout. Just meat and potatoes today. Hold the Pico de Gallo.

1) Barbell caolves: 275 x 25, 25 (ready to increase weight and lower reps)
2) Squat: 245x5; 275x3; 285x1 ( my back is reaching it's breaking point. time to ease up!)
3) Bench press: 185x5; 205x3; 235x1 (all sets easy. no spotter, so I didn't push to my limit)
4) Pullup-chinup Ladder*

-Wide grip pullup: x 1 (rest 30 seconds)
-Medium grip pullup: x 2 (rest 30 seconds)
-Medium grip chinup: x 3 (rest 30 seconds)
-Close grip chinup: x 4 (rest 30 seconds)
-repeat the sequence as many times as you can.

I went through the sequence 3 times. That's 30 pullups or chinups all together.


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