2 MAR: Best of the year!
This is the most I've been able to deadlift in a few years! Although not a PR, it's the most I've lifted in my 30s.
Deadlift: warm-up 135 x 10; 225 x 5
295 x 1; 315 x 1; 345 x 1; 355 x 1; 365 x 1; 385 x 0 (partial); 385 x 0 (didn't even get off the ground); 375 x 1
375 is good! Back in the day (my mid 20s), I could pull slightly over 400, so I'm getting close to former PR territory!!!!!
Deadlift: warm-up 135 x 10; 225 x 5
295 x 1; 315 x 1; 345 x 1; 355 x 1; 365 x 1; 385 x 0 (partial); 385 x 0 (didn't even get off the ground); 375 x 1
375 is good! Back in the day (my mid 20s), I could pull slightly over 400, so I'm getting close to former PR territory!!!!!
I like your pic...where are the other Carnival pix?