9 MAR: Test Drive

Today's workout was just getting the feel of how I should do this. The next 4 Mondays will be 100% intensity.

1) Barbell forearm flexion: 45 x 20; 65 x 20
2) Barbell forearm extension: 45 x 5; 45 x 10
3A) Concentration curl: 25 x 10 each
3B) Low Pulley Bicep curl: 70 x 10
3C) 1arm preacher bench Zottman curl: 20 x 7 each
4A) Dumbbell tricep kickback: 10x10; 12 x 10 each
4B) cross body tricep extension: 20x5; 25 x 10 each
4C) 1arm overhead tricep extension: 25 x 7 each
5) EZ Bar curls: 65 x 21 (7 top half, 7 full range, 7 bottom half)
6) Incline close grip press: 115 x 14 (7 top half, 7 full range)
7) Pinkies touching EZ bar curls: 60 x 10


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