6 steps forward, 1 step back

Dammit!!!!!  Damn damn dammit!!  I am getting stronger at a rate faster than I can support.  I hit 225 x 5, 5, 5 on bench press today, and my right pec feels tweaked.  It isn't torn; just strained.  I tried a few pushups to see how it felt, and yeah - my body wants a couple of deload weeks.  Time to start running and jumping.  Thankfully the winter weather is finally letting up, so it'll be a great chance to get out in the sun and get some color.

I have been slamming my shakes, taking my fish oils, and eating regularly and clean 5 days a week, with weekend crap.  Nice to see that even at 38 I can still outpace myself.

I'll still do some Olympic lifting and lots of core work, but everything else is going to be bodyweight / conditioning focused.


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