17FEB: whole body

I got 3 hours of sleep going into Monday morning, so my Monday evening workout was off.  The plan is solid, and I can't wait to hit it again next Monday.

  1. 3 minutes on treadmill
  2. Agile-8 and back bridges (I feel great, BTW!!!!)
  3. Warm-up complex
    a. Bent row: 45 x 6
    b. Straight leg deadlift: 45 x 6
    c. Jump shrug: 45 x 6
    d. High pull: 45 x 6
    e. Hang clean: 45 x 6
    f. Thruster: 45 x 6
  4. Hang clean: 115 x 3; 135 x 3, 3, 3, 3
  5. Push / Pull superset
    a. Pullup:  BW x 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
    b. 1-arm db press:  40 x 12, 12, 12, 12, 12
  6. a. TRX row / prone fly combo:  BW x 5+5; 7+7
    b. 1-arm t-bar row:  25 x 8, 6
  7. bent row:  did not do
  8. bench press:  did not do
  9. front squat: did not do
  10. leg press: did not do


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