21FEB: jog and arms

So that's the basic layout for the next 16 weeks:
wks 1-3; 5-7; 9-11, 13-15
Monday:  whole body
Tuesday: run and arms
Wednesday:  sprints
Thursday: whole body
Friday: run and arms

wks, 4, 8, 12, 16
Monday: MetCon
Tuesday: light jog
Wednesday: MetCon
Thursday: light jog
Friday: MetCon

Today was run and arms:

Noon:  2 mile walk/jog.  I'm running in New Balance Minimus trail shoes, so it'll be a while before my feet and shins are ready for serious mileage

Evening lifting:
  1. alternating Turkish get-ups:  worked up to a few with a 45lb dumbbell.  No kettlebells at my gym.  :(
  2. Agile-8 + back bridges
  3. Pullups:  BW x 5, 4, 4, 3, 2
  4. Close grip bench press*:  135x6; 185x1; 155x6; 195x1; 165x6; 225x1; 185x6
  5. Dips:  BW x 8,8,8,8
  6. skull crushers drop-set**:  85x5 - 75x8 - 65x10
  7. a. barbell forearm flexion:  25 x 20, 20, 15
    b. barbell forearm extension: 25 x 25, 25, 20


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