25FEB: Why not squat?

Today was arms / conditioning day.  Since the weather was crummy, I decided to squat before I started my workout.  :)

  1. Agile-8 + back bridges
  2. Warm-up complex (all exercises for right arm, then all exercises for left arm):
    a. Turkish get-ups:  45 x 3
    b. 1-arm dumbbell snatch:  45 x 3
    c. Windmill:  45 x 3
    d. 1-arm swing: 45 x 6
  3. Front squat: 135x10; 155x10; 185x5; 205x5; 225x5
  4. Back squat: 225x5; 245x5; 275x5; 295x5; 315x1,1,1
  5. Pullups:  BW x 6, 5, 4, 3, 2
  6. 1-arm preacher dumbbell curl: 27.5x6/6; 35x1/1; 30x6/6; 40x1/1; 32.5x6/6; 45x1/1; 35x6/6
  7. EZ-bar reverse preacher curl:  50 x 8,8,8,8
  8. Incline dumbbell curl drop-set:  25x8 - 20x10 - 15x3


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