Back to the grind

My wife, being the sexy ripped figure model / personal trainer that she is, is trying a new diet called Carb Backloading.  We read about it Power, a magazine for powerlifters.  The diet author's website is - dumb name, but the diet sounds intelligent.

In any event, I'm going to give it a go as well.  In addition to that I'm going to slowly ramp up my work capacity and training volume.  What I have been doing is bringing me fantastic results in strength and decent results in size, but I want to get a little leaner and denser.  Here is a recap of Phase 1, as well as projection for phases 2 and 3:

Phase 1: Goal:  increase strength.  Accomplished !
  • 4 strength workouts: A1, B1, A2, B2
  • 3x per week schedule
  • A framework:
    1. 10 min cardio
    2. rotational abs
    3. horizontal push / pull superset:  linear progression 3 x 5, 3rd set to max
    4. vertical push / pull superset: 4 x 10
    5. knee dominant lift:  linear progression 3 x 5
    6. Quad accessory work:  4 x 10 or pistol ladders, or whatever
  • B framework:
    1. 10 min cardio
    2. rotational abs
    3. veritcal push / pull superset:  linear progression 3 x 5, 3rd set to max
    4. horizontal push / pull superset: 4 x 10
    5. ham / hip dominant lift:  linear progression 3 x 5
    6. posterior chain accessory work:  KB swings
Phase 2:  Goal: Improve conditioning (drop fat).  Continue slower rate of strength gain
  • Same strength workouts as Phase 1, but schedule / frequency changes
  • Include 1 day of MetCon per week
  • New schedule:
    Weeks 1, 3
    - Mon:  A1
    - Wed: MetCon
    - Fri: B1

    Weeks 2, 4
    - Mon: A2
    - Wed: MetCon
    - Fri: B2
Phase 3: Further improve work capacity and conditioning.  Slow & steady strength gains
  • Continue with strength training framework, but utilize with Wendler's 5/3/1 rep and percentage progression.
  • Add 2nd day of MetCons per week
  • New schedule:
    Weeks 1, 3, 5, etc.
    - Mon:  A1
    - Tue: MetCon
    - Thu: B1
    - Fri: MetCon

    Weeks 2, 4
    - Mon:  A2
    - Tue: MetCon
    - Thu: B2
    - Fri: MetCon


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