11 SEP: Archery

I've been experimenting with two types of arrows and a number of different weight field points for my new recurve.  I'm not yet sure which arrows I like better - the Easton Dangerous Game 250s, or the GrizzlyStik Safaris.  Both smack the target with a noticeable "THUMP!", and penetrate much deeper than my longbow.  At 20 lbs heavier, it should!!!!

I'm suprised by how quickly the recurve is becoming normal for me.  It is 83lb at full draw (30.5 inches), and I can hold on target without shaking for a second.  Much more and my right arm looks like it is having a grand mal.

I'm still using the technique from "Beginner's Guide to Traditional Archery".  With a single arrow, hitting at many bulls-eyes at 5' as I can.  I was at about 8 in a row with the longbow, but I'm maybe 3 for 10 with the recurve.  Once I settle on a field point weight, and a single arrow, I expect those numbers to go up.

I'll have to head to the range soon to see which fly best at 20 yards and get the pro-shop guys to help assess.


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