Busy Busy Busy

What is it about being too busy that makes you decide to take on more? Well, that's where I'm at.

My wife and I started our own company, and we are chasing our passion. We love training. For sport, for specific events, for looks, for fun. She will be leaving her day-job soon to conduct boot-camps locally. With our shared experience in combative sports, plus a passion for learning as much as we can about this field, we hope to be able to bring about positive changes in the people we work with.

Our LLC is in place as of 12/29/2010, and we just met with the Graphic Designer and are days away from the real logo. Website is in testing mode. It'll be just another week or 10 days, tops, before we hit the market.

So we are chasing down all the little things that go into starting your own business, while still keeping up with our training and competitive hobbies.

My buddy Brian (blogger of Suprafitness) and I have decided we are in a race to 199 lbs. We are damn near identical in weight, but at different levels of body composition. He's starting on a 4wk plan I put together for him, so I expect he'll get incredible results.

I still need to print and send in my registration form for the Scottish Games in San Antonio on 04/03. I may cut my back rehab short by 1 week to get a jump on power training.

This Saturday will be the first Adventure Race prep workout of the season. We ran these free group workouts for a few months last year. 7:30 AM on 2/26 is going to get here much to soon and too early. :)

DAMN! I just realized I need to register for Hell Run, still. That's on 4/29 or 4/30 (forget which).

I've just been made Sponsor Coordinator at Heart of Texas BMX. I hope to get enough sponsors on board for us to pay for the new track before end of March. My daughter loved racing at the old track. I need to put full attention to that, as well as all the personal things. I never want my kids' needs and wants to be 2nd to my personal fulfillment.


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