14 FEB: Head in the game

Man, it is tough as heck to pull yourself up out of a pit. The fact of the matter is you need help. I've been stuck in a pit for a few weeks. I had a series of minor obstacles that I convinved myself to see as barriers.

Thanks to a lot of prayer, and wisdom and perspective of some very powerful speakers, I am back where I thrive: positive mental outlook and ready to watch the gap between my expectations / potenial and capabilites shrink. I have always seen my potential as the measure by which my capabilities should be judged. Am I at my best?

That's a good way to see things, but sometimes it's daunting. I tend to overlook the growth and see the journey yet to go.

Like I said, I'm back in the game and started the morning off right. I'll post my day's workout later, after I finish the 2nd portion.


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