Atrophied schedule gland

My ability to adhere to an aggressive schedule is pretty much nil at the moment.  3-on / 1-off is still the most productive split I've ever followed, but damned if I can find 3 days in a row to train.  Daughter needs to go here, son needs to go there, extended family events, wife and I get a rare afternoon to get out of town.......

So my scheduling gland has atrophied.  I am not secreting the "find time to train" hormone.  Consequently, I am going to the over-used, under-performing Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule.

Framework for the next month is:
Monday: whole-body - medium loading
Wednesday: deadlift till I crumble while my daughter is in roller derby practice
Friday: whole body - light loading

Monday was a good full body day:
  1. treadmill:  5 mins to get the stank flowing
  2. bench press:  155x10; 185x8; 195x6 (easy)
  3. front squat:  135x15; 155x10; 95x20 (everything easy but the last set)
  4. wide grip bent row to chest: 95x10; 115x8; 135x6 (easy)
  5. dips:  bw x 5, 5, 5 (should have been easier.  womp womp)
  6. v-grip pulldown:  120 x 10,10,10
  7. decline situp:  bw x 10, ,10, 10
  8. arms superset:
    a. preacher curl:  55 x 12, 12, 12
    b. single dumbbell overhead extension:  45 x 12, 12, 12


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