4 JAN: MMS-5

Good day, but my right shoulder still hurts on every rep of bench press and 1-arm overhead press.

  1. bench press:  215 x 2-3-5, 2-3-5, 2-3-5
  2. bat wings:  9 x 5sec hold with 50lb.  Ready for heavier weight
  3. 1-arm press:  55 x 2-3-5, 2-3-5, 2-3-5.  Going to switch to barbell since it doesn't hurt my shoulder
  4. bird dog - super easy
  5. complex:  95 x 5; 105 x 5; 115 x 5
    a. row
    b. clean
    c. press
    d. front squat
  6. back squat:  95 x 30; 105 x 30; 135 x 30


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