Ready to step it up

It's June 1st, and it's the last day of my current training plan.  I'm happy with what I've done over the last three weeks, but I know I'm ready to take on a longer term plan and hammer away four days per week.

I'll be back to the training template that I've gotten the best long-term gains from:

Monday: Squat-dominant training, Abs
Tuesday: Vertical Push / Vertical Pull, Arms
Wednesday: light cardio
Thursday: Deadlift-dominant training, Abs
Friday: Horizontal Push / Horizontal Pull, Arms

For the 1st two weeks, I'll be doing 3 x 5 for my primary lifts, and 3 - 4 sets for my accessory lifts.

In weeks 3 through 6, I'll do 5x5 for my primary lifts, and 5 x 10 for my accessory lifts.

My diet and supplementation will be much more aggressive / size-oriented during weeks 3 - 6.

I can't wait for Monday!!!!!


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