Big plan starts today

Over the next 9 weeks, I'm going to focus on size and strength (with work done to prevent fat accumulation). I'll be doing Jim Wendler's 5-3-1 plan for the key lifts (deadlift, squat, bench press, overhead press), but focusing on my weak areas (lower back, biceps, calves).

I started off today with a 6:00 AM low-intensity cardio session.

  1. Warm up: 2 circuits of
    a. Squat x 10
    b. Sprawl x 10
    c. Pushup x 10
    d. Plank x 30sec

  2. Mobility work:
    1. Lateral drop stance + side slide: 5 + 5
    2. Inch worm + front splits: 3 + 3 (each side)
    3. Hindu pushup: 5 total

  3. Walked 2.25 miles

The walk was a nice fast pace for a walk, but it was definitely sub-aerobic. It felt great to get in some caloric expenditure so early. I'll be plenty ready for my leg workout later today. Here is the rough framwork of my plan for the next 9 weeks:

Monday: Legs (squat emphasis)

Tuesday: Horizontal push + pull (lots of arm work)

Thursday: Legs (Deadlift emphasis)

Friday: Vertical push + pull (lots of arm work)

I'll do the AM cardio as often as I can.


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