12 MAY: Deadlift day

Man, it feels good to lift heavy again, at least with respect to effort. This is going to be a great ride. It took a few sets to get my weights figured out.

  1. Deadlift: (warm-up 225 x 5,5): 275 x 5; 285 x 5; 295 x 8

  2. Hatfield bar squat*: 185 x 10; 165 x 10, 10, 10, 10

  3. FBGM: 45 x 10; 65 x 10, 10

  4. Lying leg curl*: 100 x 12, 10, 4

  5. Standing machine calves*: 135 x 20, 20; 115 x 15; 95 x 20

  6. Wood chopper: 80 x 12/12, 12/12 (right/left)

  7. Elbow plank: 2 minutes felt EASY!!!!

*Hatfield bar, Leg curl, and calves: I started way too heavy considering the volume I was shooting for. I have no problems handling high load, but I seldom train for higher reps and higher volume, so my loads will be much lighter than anticipated.


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