17 MAY: Abridged due to DOMS

I like to train using whole body workouts, but today I had to break it up because my traps, lats, glutes and hamstrings (AKA Posterior Chain) were still smashed from the 101 reps of ghetto-bell swings. This is still better than nothing. I'll have to use 18 MAY as a chance to hammer way on my legs and upper back.

1. EZ bar curl: 75 x 3, 5, 8, 8, 10, 8, 8 (45sec rest interval)
2. Hammer curls: 35s x 5, 6, 8, 8, 6, 7, 8, 5 (45Sec RI)
3. Bench press: 205 x 3; 225 x 3; 230 x 3; 135 x 18 (un-timed RI)
4. Overhead press 135 x 4; 115 x 9

Like I said, this is admittedly unbalanced, but I'll make up for it today with fight training and an evening workout that will be one to tell your grand kids about!!!!


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