2 MAR: Legs

Good lord!!!! This sounds counterintuitive, but far be it from me to do anything according to common sense or common wisdom. My hernia surgery was scheduled for 3/3, but since I didn't have a ride home (post anesthesia) I had to reschedule to 3/16.

Now here is my thought. I prefer natural healing to surgical 'correction' in all but the most severe cases. So my goal between now and 3/12 is to push myself and my core as hard as possible. If the pain is unmanageable or there is a catastrophic failure, such as additional tearing, then I'll get the surgery. If, however, things hold up to the self imposed abuse, I'll trust that the hernia is marginal enough to live with.

This morning's wprkout leads me to believe it is getting better. I had a great showing in deadlifts!!!!

1) Split squat: 30s x 10, 10, 10
2) CF-style Air squat: 50
3) Deadlift: 225 x 1-5, 1-5, 1-13*
4) Front squat: 115 x 22

* 225 x 13 is tremendous, considering how slowly I've been ramping up the lower-back / hip dominant lifts! Last week, it felt like my abs would split right across the tear when I DLed. This week it felt 95% healed!!!!


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