16 MAR: Old-school boxing workout

My wife has some of the best old-school boxing training methods in her bag of tricks! This was fun, difficult, and very humbling!!!

1. Shadow-boxing: 3 rounds (3min / 1min rest)
This is a warm-up, but it isn't do be done lightly. I focused on foot-speed and clean form. As each round got closer to the end, my wife drove me to keep up my work-rate; more punches, more slipping, more on the balls of my feet. Most recreational folks could have ended here and called it a solid workout.

2. Heavy bag - speed work: 2 rounds (3min / 1min rest)
The emphasis here is on crisp, fast punches. No killing the bag, just hand-speed and movement. Throwing fast punches with little force fatigued me pretty quickly!

3. Heavy bag - free sparring: 2 rounds (3min / 1min rest)
I finally got to use my legs but I was freaking tired. It felt like I was swinging 4x6 logs, not legs! My kicks were slow and heavy. I found myself flat-footed more than I care to admit.

4. Heavy bag - Rocky Marciano style: 1 round (3min)This is TOUGH! She told me to pick a rhythm and stick with it. I was to throw a punch, any punch, to that rhythm the entire round. I had never done this before, so i picked a pace that was WAY too fast to sustain. I slowed it down and was able to finish. The cardio / stamina / fat loss benefits are obvious!!! The transfer to the ring makes sense after you think about it for a bit. It teaches you to keep throwing through your fatigue. You learn to throw clean punches even when you are gassed. I will have to do this once ever couple of weeks to see if i can improve. More often than that would fry my shoulders.

5. Heavy bag - burnouts: 30 seconds on, 20 seconds off
  • Continuous jab/cross punches as fast as I could for 30 seconds
  • Continuous "shoe shine" punches as fast as I could for 30 seconds
  • Continuous jab/cross punches, really trying to kill the bag for 30 seconds
  • Continuous hooks with focus on rotational speed starting from the balls of my feet; not just arm speed.

This is by far the toughest boxing workout I've done in a year!!!! This will jack your heart rate up and keep it there for the full duration. When I finally settled down, I fell asleep and didn't twitch till the alarm went off!


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