Finished Pase 2A

On Friday I did deadlifts and pullups, and skipped some of the ancillary work, since it was late.
  1. Pullups: BW x 7,6,5,4,3
  2. Deadlift:  135x10; 185x10; 225x10; 275x5; 415x5; 365x5,5,5

Saturday was heavy triceps work, plus pullups
  1. Pullups: BW x 7,6,5,4,4
  2. rope grip pushdown: 60x12; 70x10; 8x8
  3. close grip bench press:  165x5; 175x5; 185x5, 5; 195x5,5,5
  4. dips:  BW x 12, 10, 8

Sunday: Running at the park
  1. walk 1/2 mile
  2. run 1 mile (very difficult!)
  3. 3 x 100 yard sprints (5 degree incline)
  4. walk 1.5 mile back home


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