28FEB: Whole body

  1. Agile 8 + back bridges
  2. Barbell complex warm-up
    a. bent row:  55 x 6
    b. straight leg deadlift:  55 x 6
    c. jump shrug:  55 x 6
    d. high pull:  55 x 6
    e. clean:  55 x 6
    f. thruster:  55 x 6
  3. Snatch grip high pull:  135 x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
  4. a. Pullup: BW x 6, 5, 4, 3, 3
    b. pushup:  BW x 18, 15, 12, 9, 9
  5. Wide grip seated row: 90 x 12, 12, 12, 12, 12
  6. a. front raise:  10s x 15
    b. Lateral raise:  10s x 12
    c. prone raise: 10s x 12
  7. Overhead press drop-set:  105x15 - 85x9 - 65x7
  8. Deadlift: 225x10; 245x10; 255x10; 275x10


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