5 MAR: Twice A Day

Phase 2, week 2; day 2.  triple goocher!

I've decided to make one addition and one elimination from my life each month.  I master that swap, and then add another swap the next month.  This is the most significant life overhaul I've ever undertaken, and the most consistent I've ever been.  Quick summary:
  1. January: eliminate alcohol; add glasses
  2. February: eliminate all energy drinks; add morning prayer
  3. March: eliminate fast food; add dog walking Mon - Fri
Which brings me to my "Twice A Day" title

I woke up at 6:45 and got ready to take my dog for a walk.  before i got him harnessed up, i decided the head to the garage for some 73lb t-bell swings.  It was cold, I was stiff, and the t-bell felt heavy.  But a did a nice little 'check-the-box' set of swings, then walked my dog.

  1. t-bell swings:  73 x 2,3,2,3,5
  2. walk dog 1/2 mile
Each day I'll add just a bit more.  This isn't part of the commitment, just may as well get some swings done since I'm up walking my dog anyway.

  1. kettlebell get-ups:  30lbs x 5 mins, no rests.  continuously alternating arms
  2. chin-ups; 2,3,2,3,5,2,3,5
  3. overhead press*:  105x10; 115x8; 125x6; 135x6
  4. MetCon: 7 mins max rounds of
    a. Kipping pullup x 5
    b. Bosu-ball situp x 10
    c. dips x 5
    total:  3 rounds + 5 pulups
*A Note about Overhead press:
135 for 6 reps is about as much as I've done in a year.  It was very hard; too hard this early into phase 2.  Because of that, I a going to increase all sets by 5 lbs next week instead of 10.  Slow and steady progress is much better than fast but brief progress and a never-ending plateau.


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