1MAR: Part II

Since I skipped Thursday, I hit a double today.  Since I trained legs so early, I had plenty in the tank tonight.

  1. Warm-up complex:
    a. bent row:  95 x 7, 7, 7
    b. Romanian deadlift:  95 x 7, 7, 7
    c. hang clean:  95 x 7, 7, 7
    d. front squat:  95 x 7, 7, 7
    e. overhead press:  95 x 7, 7, 7
  2. Incline db press:  45x10; 55x8; 65x6; 70x6
  3. 1-arm db row:  60 x 10/10, 10/10, 10/10
  4. Simple MetCon:  max rounds in 5 mins
    a. pushup x 10
    b. TRX row x 10
    c. straight leg situp x 10
    Total:  2 rounds


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