27 SEP: Defiant WOD

Crushed yet again by CrossFit. I only have 2 more CF classes before I take a month off, due to surgery. From all the years of fighting, it seems I've broken my nose a few times and have blown out one of my sinus cavities. The surgeon will be repairing everything on Tuesday 5 OCT. My last Defiant WOD will be on 4 OCT. I'll take 1 week completely off of physical activity, then resume training at much lower intensity. This will be a good opportunity to get in 6 weeks of bodybuilder style training.

I'm not a fan of low-intensity, long duration BB workouts, but I can push that at 100% and not be anywhere near the level of effort of my normal garage or a Defiant workout.

Today's WOD:

Skill work:
  1. Kettlebell figure-8 to KB uppercut: 3 x 12
  2. KB swing: 3 x 12

MetCon: 100 thrusters @ 95lbs. Any time the bar touched the ground, we had to run a 400m. Time ran out and I had finished 61 reps with 5 400m runs. This totally destroyed my shoulder girdle. I'm taking tonight off.


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