1 SEP: Defiant WOD

Man, I can't explain enough how much I benefit from a well thought out and thorough warm-up. Since I usually lift in my garage, I just sort of get after it by starting with a light set and build up to as heavy as I can manage. I LOVE the Defiant CF warm-up!!!!! On to the workout.

Front squat*: 185 x 3, 3; 205 x 3, 3, 3

Conditioning workout: 7 rounds for time of:
  1. Pullups x 10
  2. Ring dips x 10
  3. Situps x 10
  4. Air squats x 10

Midway through my 3rd round, I had to use a band to assist me on the pullups. I used a band the whole time on ring dips. Those suckers are hard enough on their own, but coupled with the regular dips I did on Tuesday, I REALLY needed the band.

My time: 21:10


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