Temporary indeed!

I am amazed by the power of prayer.  I couldn't walk without agonizing pain on Saturday morning.  I met up with some men from church who laid hands on my back and prayed with me for healing.

Not only was I walking 90% pain free on Sunday, but I was squatting tonight, Monday.  I went to the chiropractor today and says I'm healed as well as someone 3 weeks into treatment and recovery, not 5 days.  :)

One concession I made was to do 20-rep squats instead of 10.  That kept the loads ridiculously light, but by reps 15-20, still very taxing.

  1. 5min stepmill for distance:  0.45 miles
  2. Agile 8
  3. Back bridging
  1. Squat: 45x20; 65x20; 95x20; 115x14  (sweating profusely)
  2. Push/Pull superset:
    a. bench press:  115x5; 135x5; 185 x 5, 5, 5;  135 x 16
    b. 1-arm row:  50 x 10/10, 10/10, 10./10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10
  3. Abs superset:
    a. med-ball on legs situp:  6lb x 10, 12, 6
    b. plank step out:  10, 10, 8


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