Out of the blog habit

So I've been really consistent with my training, but completely negligent in my blogging.  Here are some random observations on accomplishments thus far:

  • Since I had no option to do cardio when my knee was on the mend, it is a joy to do now.  :)
  • I can shoot my 83# recurve like it's a child's bow.  I can hold it at full draw for probably 5 seconds before I get any shaking at all.
  • My abs are getting detailed.  This is pretty freaking cool.
  • Doing sets of 20 on squats is the most uncomfortable and yet most rewarding part of my training.
  • I will always have the torso of a silverback and the arms of a spider monkey.  Oh well.  Like I used to say when competing:  a. Biceps never knocked anyone out.  b. No one loses a fight because they didn't do enough curls.
Its time to start adding in my goal-specific training.

2014 Physical goals:
  1. Endurance
    1. 7 minute mile
    2. 100 pushups
    3. 20 pullups
  2. Strength
    1. 225# overhead press
    2. 315# bench press
    3. 405# squat
    4. 500# deadlift
  3. Physique
    1. 10% bodyfat
    2. 34" waist
    3. 17" arms


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