4 DEC: Conditioning wk4-2

MetCons Strongman style! 

Another day.  Another increase in LBS on the big lifts, and some heart & lung bursting MetCons.  This blend is what was lacking when I did CrossFit.  I got fitter, and weaker.  Now I'm getting fitter, stronger, and more mobile.

  1. Pullup:  BW x 5, 5, 5
  2. Squat:  255 x 3; 275 x 3; 295 x 4
  3. MetCon 7: Complete without rest
    1. Farmer's walk x 2min
    2. Tire-sled drag x 2 min
    3. Heavy bag alternating shouldering* x 2min
    4. Heavy bag side to side press** x 2 min  (MAJOR FAIL!!!!)
*Heavy Bag shouldering:  I cut the straps off an old 70lb heavy bag.  This movement is basically a clean, but you catch it one shoulder, drop to the ground, then clean to the opposite shoulder.  The unstable nature of theheavy bag makes it much more difficult than the weight suggests.

** Heavy bag side to side press: After last rep of shouldering, press the bag overhead and lower to your opposite shoulder.  Again, the nature of the bag makes this much harder than you'd expect.  So much so that I got 0 reps in 2 minutes!!!!  FAIL.


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