8 days a week

I have found my own personal optimal training frequency. I've done similar layouts before, but I finally have it dialed in. I've been reading and following the plans of others for decades, and writing my own plans here and there for a decade or more as well. But with enough time under the bar, you get to where you are reading with an eye toward concepts, not blueprints. I don't need someone to write a detailed, rep-for-rep plan for me. I've come to understand what works best for me, but also have seen the wisdom of the folks who have accomplished far more and have far more experience than me.

I've come to apply the concepts of some very influential people in the iron game to my training.

  • Dan John

  • Mark Ripptoe

  • Jim Wendler

  • Robert Dos Remedios

My current plan

  1. 3 days on, 1 day off

  2. two distinct 4-day cycles

  3. Cycle 1
    Day 1 - priority day (arms, for me)
    Day 2 - knee dominant / squatting pattern
    Day 3 - Horizontal push / pull; minor vertical push / pull work
    Day 4 - Off

  4. Cycle 2
    Day 1 - priority day (arms)
    Day 2 - Hip dominant / hinging pattern
    Day 3 - Vertical push / pull; minor horizontal push / pull work
    Day 4 - Off

Why this works for me:

  • Correcting my T-rex physique
    Since arms are my weak link, they are first in the cycle. The push / pull work is nice indirect arm work, too. Whatever your weak link is, put it first.

  • I can't progressively overload any faster than every 8 days
    Since I am nearing my upper limits of strength, I can't add reps or lbs every 5th day any more. Every 8 days is about as fast as I can add weight to my key lifts without injury: deadlift, squat, bench press, rows

  • I can hit 3 consecutive days no matter what
    With traditional routines (M,W,F or M,T, Th,F) it is easy for life to throw you off schedule. My life is busy, same as yours. But I can make 3 days straight, come hell or high water. Then, all that may happen is I take 2 or 3 days off instead of 1. Regardless of the circumstance, I'm able to make consistant progress, three days in a row.

When things are ideal, I make optimal progress. When things are crappy, I still make progress. What's not to love?

The details of each day don't really matter. What works best for me may not be appropriate for you. Also, my goal is strength first, with secondary emphasis on hypertrophy. If I ever start competing in BJJ, or any combative sports again, I'll shift to more of a conditioning dominant routine, but the split will be nearly identical (less the arm work).


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