5 NOV: Austin Celtic Festival

Man, I am elated with my performance on Saturday. I did exactly as I thought I would. Although I didn't win, I am just happy that I didn't choke and was able to demostrate what my current capablity really is. There is nothing worse than flubbing it; doing well below what you've done in practice.

I improved by many many feet on basically every event. One thing that shocked me: Mike Baab moved me up from the 42lb weight to the 56lb weight. Now that I'm "Amateur", I use the same weight as the truly strong; same weight as the Pros.

I flipped the first three cabers, and got crushed by the 4th caber. The 4th caber is a 120lb short and stubby beast we named Snake Eyes, because of the two knots at bottom that look like eyes on a snake's head.

I am terrible at 56lb weight over bar. I didn't even clear 9 feet. I'll be doing far more snatches, high pulls, cleans, and Ghetto-bell swings for the next 10 months! :)


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