10 SEP: Leg day, all day

Saturday morning started with a nice 5K race. The course was easy, but since I haven't done ANY running in 5 months or so, I was just happy to finish with out walking. 38:17 is a crappy time, but not a suprise since I've been training exclusively for Highland Games the last few two months.

Saturday afternoon was more legs, albeit abreviated.

  1. too weak for cleans

  2. Bench press: 185 x 5; 205 x 5; 225 x 5; 245 x 3

  3. plyo pushup: 6, 6, 6

  4. Incline dumbbell press: 55s x 12, 12, 12

  5. Tire sled punch*: +45 x 5/5; +25 x 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5

  6. Front squat: 245 x 5; 255 x 3; 275 x 3

Tire sled punch is just like what it sounds. Using a single handle, I stood in left-lead boxing stance and did 5 punches, as explosively as possible with my right hand. I was very meticulous in my form, ensuring the drive initiated from my rear foot, and travelled up through my hips, incorporated a powerful rotation, and an explosive straight punch. After 5 reps, I switched to a right-lead stance and did 5 punches with my left hand. This was LOTS of fun!


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