28 JUL: DLs and upper body

I did another round of AM deadlifts with high rep squats, and PM upper body. This twice a day madness is taking a toll on me, but my overall stamina is improving rapidly as a result.

I got in some pretty heavy sets of deadlifts, working up to 315 for sets of 5. On front squats, I worked up to 205 for 15.

On the evening session, it was the usual fare, but in slightly different order:

  1. HammerStrength incline press: 3 x 12

  2. cable cross overs: 3 x 12

  3. 1-arm DB row: 3 x 12

  4. wide-grip seated row: 3 x 15

  5. overhead press: 3 x 12

  6. lateral raise: 3 x 15

  7. supine-grip pulldown: 3 x 12

  8. wide-grip pulldown: 3 x 15

I am responding well to the higher rep range and higher frequency. I am adding muscle and dropping fat.

But vacation is 3 days away, and when I come back, I'll shift gears to power training, as I have signed up for Highland Games on 24 SEP.



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